
Robin turns 7

On the 25th of August Robin turned 7, incredible to think he is seven already. He is so helpful and fun to have round - through he does have his father temper on occasion. 

Robin was of course up early, and his presents were opened on my bed so I didn't even have to get up. Luke was really good considering he didn't understand why Robin was opening all these presents and he wasn't. We told him to wait - which I don't think he really understands, but in only a couple of weeks it will be his birthday and he will be so excited as he will know the process. 

Waiting for cake

Waiting for cake

Happy Birthday Robin!

Happy Birthday Robin!

On the Saturday we had his birthday, the first gathering in our new house - and we have only been in the house for 4 weeks so no local kids but all the family which was great. 

On the day Robin and I were attaching balloons along the drive so people knew where to find our house along the steep driveway when I saw 2 young girls with their mother watching from the house at the near the top of the driveway. I introduced myself and they came along to the party as well - so there were some locals!

Julianne has been really busy over the last couple of days, not only getting our house ready which still has boxes in some places but creating yummy healthy food and boy was she successful! There were lots and lots of a whole range of food, from home made pizza, home made lemonade, fruit sticks etc. She was really successful there were some standard bags of chips & lollies that were purchased just in case but not even looked let alone opened. 
There was enough food left that it covered tea as well and the lemonade never run out. 

Opening presents and eating pizza at the same time. 

Opening presents and eating pizza at the same time. 

Kids party games are not really something I know much about, but with help for ideas from people at the party I manged to get a range of games going from parcel the parcel to hide-in-seek. I found it tiring and I didn't get much of a chance to talk to people but the key thing is that Robin had a blast and really enjoyed himself. 

Pass the parcel

Pass the parcel

Dancing Game

Dancing Game

Cake Time!

Cake Time!

Plus our new house held up well which was nice. 

Impressive handstand from cousin Hope. 

Impressive handstand from cousin Hope. 

Luke climbing out the kitchen window. 

Luke climbing out the kitchen window. 

Adam Weller