Family holiday on Tiritiri Matangi 2014 part 4
Tuesday was similar to Sunday in that I guided in the morning and Julianne went off on her own for the afternoon except that Luke was really sick suddenly in the morning. He had a high fever and didn’t eat a thing and kept complaining his mouth was sore – which was taken to mean he had a sore throat. He had a big nap in the afternoon and was better so it appeared to be a 24 hour flu.
Robin working on his meccano set from Da for Christmas
Tiri has a kid’s ‘Kiwi Ranger’ experience which is a number of activities which need to be completed and you get a badge. Robin has been working hard over the last few days on the activities and was so excited to get his badge, and has told me that he wants to complete other Kiwi Ranger activities at other DOC sites, unfortunately most of the others are in the South Island.
Robin receiving his Kiwi Ranger badge - he was so excited and nervous
That night Robin and I went out together again and what a great time we had. First up we found 2 morpork (Ruru) sitting up in a tree, and one of them was a young chick. They were right above us and the view was fantastic and they didn’t move so we spent 10 -15 minutes watching them, the chick was amusing as it kept dancing around. I have never seen a morpork up close and personal before – I l loved every second of it. Eventually we decided to move on and as Robin was getting tired so we headed back, and just down from the visitor centre we found a kiwi! My first kiwi for a while and Robin’s second kiwi from the holiday.
Tuatara on Tiri
After leaving Robin back at the bunk house I headed back out as I wanted to see more tuatara on our final night after all my book reading on them. One the way I found a second kiwi and I got a nice good view and not just him disappearing into the distance. Down on Hobbs beach I found 6 tuatara – I have really got to know them and the area over the last week. I got really close to a number of them and it was fascinating to compare them to what I have learnt from the book.
I got back just after midnight and headed to bed and was up early as I always am at 6-30. Every morning on this holiday so far I have been alone for at least an hour and a half which has been fantastic and I have got a lot of reading done. This morning there were people in the kitchen area all morning so I started working on this blog instead.
My guiding has really improved after doing 6 sessions in a row – and has really reinforced my knowledge on NZ birds and other wildlife. The best way to learn is to do and I have always wanted to know more about NZ’s biodiversity and history and guiding on Tiri has proved a great way for me to finally get a great understanding.
The final afternoon was spent slowly enjoying Tiri – an explore with the boys of the kids information area at the Visitor Centre and time at the beach with of course another swim before heading back to the ferry and heading home.
At Hobbs beach on the last day on Tiri - & Robin with his Kiwi Ranger badge.
It has been a great family holiday and achieved all what I wanted to achieve with lots of relaxing, playing board games with the boys, NZ rare birds, Julianne getting some alone time plus it was easy to get to and not expensive.
Goodbye Tiri