Hobbiton and Paw Patrol Live
With Chase & Marshall from Paw Patrol
Robin found out a while ago that Paw Patrol was having a live show and he really wanted to see it and as the fates would have it, the date of the Auckland show (just a short drive from my house) was the same weekend that we were going away to the snow.
Having fun in Hamilton with Robin
But it so happened that Paw Patrol Live was playing in Hamilton the week before, and as Robin was so excited I thought lets go for it; and to take the opportunity to finally visit Hobbiton, which has been so close but I have never got around to visiting it.
Having fun in Hamilton with Robin
Then after I had purchased these very expesive Paw Patrol Live tickets, Robin went off Paw Patrol and said he didn't want to go - it's enough to make me pull my hair out.
Luckily Luke was now really excited. Luke has been going on about Paw Patrol Live for several months once he found out about it, and once Robin was there he did enjoy himself.
So early one Saturday morning in late September we were all in the car and heading down to Hamilton. With the new motorway's it does not take long, around an hour. We arrived early at 9-30am so had a bit of an explore before the boys and I went to Paw Portal Live, which was a very state-of-the-art show compared to local kids shows I have taken the boys to recently, plus quite different than Matilda that I have also seen recently. I can see why the tickets were expensive.
Having fun in Hamilton with Robin
Luke got so nervous before it started, but once it began, I have never seen such a huge grin on his face - it was so lovely to see and well worth all the hassle right then.
While at the show Julianne had an explore around Hamilton, and caught up with us after the show - just in time to take photos with 2 of the pup's. Luke was so excited and nervous he didn't want to hug the pups - which is just not like him; he was so overwhelmed.
Robin getting a big hug from Chase
And a big hug from Marshall
We then went up the road to a nearby park for a picnic before heading off to Hobbiton.
First view of Hobbiton - looks amazing!
I must say I was really impressed with Hobberton, and I can't believe it has taken me over 15 years to get here. On the tour you get to see not only Hobbiton, so it's like being in the movie / book but also the level of detail that was put into these movies.
Also we are lucky the Hobbit films were made, which meant all the sets was put back in place. After the Lord of the Ring's the sets was removed, like all film locations and also importantly to ensure no-one knew what the film was going to look like before the first film came out.
Weller Hobbit family
Julianne found some Hobbit tools
Showing Luke how to use the Hobbit tools
We arrived early, and luckily we were able to move to an earlier tour. The place was busy everything but everything is very professional and you don't feel rushed or crowded.
The sets were clearly amazing and the level of detail so very crazy - far more than was required but does create an amzing backdrop for the films.